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Celebrating Neo-Tokyo’s 1st Year Anniversary with a Festival

Neo-Tokyo, the vibrant Japanese cultural hub nestled within Chatswood, recently celebrated its much-anticipated 1st Year Anniversary Festival on April 28, 2024, marking a significant milestone in its journey. The Neo-Tokyo Festival drew in crowds from all corners, eager to partake in the festivities and immerse themselves in the rich tapestry of Japanese culture that Neo-Tokyo…

Chatswood Drive (Neo-Tokyo) Holds Free Mochi Party

Chatswood Drive recently played host to a delightful and first event in the area. The Mochi Party, held on January 2nd, turned the ordinary street into a vibrant and joyous venue where residents and visitors alike could indulge in the sweet and chewy goodness of mochi and drinks. Mochi, a traditional Japanese rice cake made…

Chatswood’s Neo-Tokyo: A Small Haven for Japanese

Chatswood is setting another buzz both for the Japanese community in Cebu and Filipino Japanese aficionados alike. A group of Japanese living in Cebu (among them is Shogo of 175R) has introduced Neo-Tokyo. A view of Neo-Tokyo from the Parking Lot Neo-Tokyo is the Japanese community of Cebu’s answer to A.S. Fortuna’s and Cebu’s growing…